Monday again so time for my promise to W for the week…
This week baby I promise to buy you that pumpkin outfit we saw for Halloween….just don’t tell Daddy.
This week, after much swearing, laptop slamming and a teeny bit of foot stamping, I now have a badge for you to grab if you so wish. Hurrah! Hope it works.
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Mum Of One"><img src="" alt="Mum Of One" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
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motherventing says
You made a badge?? You ARE good at this computery stuff, after all! Hmm, methinks you’ve been hiding your light under a bushel. WHATEVER THAT MEANS.
Pumpkin babies are cute. That is all.
jbmumofone says
It nearly killed me….and pumpkin babies ARE cute. Cannot understand why Mr B doesn’t get it?
Expat Mammy says
Men just don’t get the whole cuteness thing, there all about practical purchases…………Boooo
jbmumofone says
I know, I think we just won’t tell him 😉
twopointfourchildren says
I love the pumpkin outfits! I haven’t thought far enough ahead so have no idea what my two will be wearing for halloween
jbmumofone says
I love dressing W up. Also have my eye on a reindeer outfit and an elf suit for Xmas! Thanks for linking up x
catparrott says
Have I ever shown you the photo of E in his first Halloween outfit (complete with little pumkin hat)? He was only 5 months and he looks so cross. My mum is sending us stuff from the US this year as they go crazy for it so I’m sure it will be something fantastically embarrassing. Yey!
jbmumofone says
No, post it post it! I want to see. I have a fabulous one of a very grumpy Mr B who has been made to wear a Santa hat by my Mum. Maybe will post it at Xmas, hee hee 🙂
Jess says
Pat on the back you!I love the button,its a great image and you must be a tachy whizz to do such a thing 🙂
I love pumpkin suit babies for halloween, think thats what my youngest wore for his first Halloween.
jbmumofone says
Hi Jess. The badge nearly KILLED me. That’s it, am keeping this one FOREVER as am never doing it again!
I reckon I have to make the most of dressing up W while he is too little to object x
Emily (@AMummyToo) says
Ooh is that the one from Mamas and Papas? If so I’ve bought one for Jessica – not that she’s actually born yet, but she’s due Friday so should be here in time to wear it 😀
jbmumofone says
Oh good luck Emily, hope all goes well xxx
janeblackmore says
I love the little pumpkin outfits!
we had a baby girl spider last year – so cute!
jbmumofone says
Ahhh cute! Got to make the most of it while you can 🙂