I was thinking that this may be the last week of this particular meme, but then I read a really moving post by the beautiful Love In The Nest, check it out here, and she left me a message to say that she would be posting today. So, I have changed my mind.
So, W and I did fairly well at sticking to last week’s promise and even made it out and about in Cardiff Bay where I used to live. ‘Twas VERY cold though.
So, this was going to be my final one though perhaps now will not be…
This week baby I promise to try and be the best Mummy I can be.
As ever, linky on up via the magical linky-list below where you can check out everyone else’s too. Please grab the badge and leave me a comment after linking.
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Hope you all have a great week, and to the gorgeous Love In The Nest, keep kicking-arse girl!
Nikki Thomas says
Oh I hope you do carry on with this one as I think it’s lovely! I love making a special promise for A, even though she isn’t really a baby anymore! As to your promise, I’m sure you are an amazing mum! Have a good week!x
jbmumofone says
Thanks Nikki, think I may keep it going a while longer x
Cat says
I’ve been slacking on my promises recently. Must do better!
jbmumofone says
Not to worry honey…loving Political Mummy! You’ve been busy! x
Cat says
Why thank you my dear. Fear it may be a little over ambitious to mintain both but we’ll see… x
Love in the Nest says
So glad you are carrying on with this, I love it, it’s been a really important one for me, baby steps and all. Thanks so much for starting it and giving me a reason to focus on the little things I need to improve xxxx
jbmumofone says
It is not a problem x
k says
Honey whatever you are doing is already fabulous. Baby W is an absolute darling and you should be very proud. Keep up the fantastic work, lovely cousin!! x
jbmumofone says
You are too sweet and rightbackatcha. F is just delicious, such a cutie x
Alex says
I’m glad you’re going to carry on because I’ve only just stumbled upon it, and your blog of course, and am joining in this week! x