Mr B and I spent a wonderful day with W today at Bristol Zoo. We had been meaning to go for ages but finally got around to it today. And it was wonderful.
We saw some monkeys ee-ees, crocodiles snap-snaps and even some penguins flip-flip-flips. Sadly though, nothing beginning with j. Though am sure some of the above may feature in future games.
Still, I have once more avoided posting a shot of yours truly and instead gone for something almost as easy. Well I know you guys still haven’t forgiven me for the hand-gel *ducks*.
So, without further ado, this weeks game is…
“I spy with my little eye something beginning with j.”
Please leave me your guesses below and for those playing along the mystical list of all things linky awaits you. Please do pop back later on and show the other entries some love too.
Happy spying peeps!
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Mum of One"><img src="" alt="Mum of One" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
@babberblog says
Jen’s Jeans? Or just jeans perhaps 🙂
And I’ve totally joined in this week, wahoo! I’ve thrown in my I from last week too, which Blogger so rudely denied me.
jbmumofone says
Yay! A double whammy! And yep you are, of course, right 🙂
OneDad3Girls says
Ah ha Jeans? Or is it a trick and its actually a jean jacket
jbmumofone says
Nope, it really was that simple!
Michael Cargill says
Jumbo snail trail
jbmumofone says
adollyciousirony says
I thought at first a blue jeans jacket? … hahaha