NOTICE: Lovely readers please bear with me. I am in the process of moving to a new web-hosting service so there may be a few glitches occurring in the next few days. Apologies in advance and please check back in during the week if not working correctly. Very scary but quite exciting! You should soon be able to find me at If you are already subscribed you will be redirected automatically xxx
Another new week is upon us folks, and not many left until Christmas! Hope you all got along ok last week. I promised to make W some more interesting food and allow him to feed himself more. I did. It got messy. But he is eating with enthusiasm again so very definitely worth it! Hope yours was a success too.
Oh, and one of you lovely ladies asked if it was OK to change the title to ‘This week kids I promise…’ to which the answer is very much OF COURSE! Do whatever fits in with your life and your family. I love reading them all.
So on with this weeks cunning plan.
This week baby I promise, now that you are pulling yourself up more, to try and encourage your walking and help you to get more confident.
May be a few bumps along the way this week!
To my regular promisers, I just wanted to say a really big thank you for linking up each week. I love checking out your blogs to see what you are doing and how you are getting along, and often think of you during the week. So, MMMWAHHH, you are all fabulous.
And to any new readers, come join in! To submit your entry and to check out the rest then just click the magical linky-list below. Please leave me a comment after linking and feel free to grab the badge.
Also to any non-bloggers who wish to join in please feel free to leave your promises in the comment boxes below. We will all be with you in spirit!
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Have a great week peeps.
Mum of One x
Other Mum of One posts that you may enjoy:
Emma - The Good Parent Guide says
I am a bit early and will link up later. Thanks for acknowledging my adaptation of your promise :). I am glad your little man enjoyed his food this week, makes the effort you go to, to make it worth while. I noticed your picture and have to comment and say that we have had 2 Ikea high chairs they are fab. Cheap and easy to clean. We had an expensive one to begin with and it was a nightmare once the kids started to finger their food or if they were sick in it. With the Ikea high chair it was never a problem.
jbmumofone says
I love this high chair. Get a bit OCD about food mess so at least I can rinse this one off, spray it with Milton and jobs a good un! Apologies if links play up later. Have no idea how long move to GoDaddy will take. They said average was 30mins. That was 2 hours ago 🙁
Nikki Thomas says
Aah! It is so lovely when they are at that stage, and then they are everywhere and in to everything and life becomes a whole lot more fun…
jbmumofone says
Need eyes in the back of your head though!
Sarah james (@apartyofseven) says
yes we have lots of those oops bumps lately especially as she has taken to climbing everything!
jbmumofone says
Yep, W is trying his best at this too!
Jess says
Hope he doesn’t have to many bumps along the way!They are so tippy at this stage aren’t they!
Thanks for the comments bout my spelling promise.Oneard & upward we go!The spelling chart is up already!
We shall be victorious!
Jess says
Well look at that I post about spellings and have a spelling error in my reply…total duh!
jbmumofone says
LOL Jess, that made me giggle! 🙂