Hi, my name is JB and I am an obsessive compulsive…of sorts. Or perhaps I am just a neat-freak. Or maybe just a little odd.
On arriving in the kitchen this morning I was faced with a sight that made me growl. Actually growl, out loud. The washing up sponge had once again been left perched midway between the two sinks instead of the obvious ‘this is where I should sit, I am the perfect size/shape/everything-gap’ above the left sink.
I turn around to find Mr B grinning.
“You know I hate that.”
“I know. But it’s funny.”
It is an easy win. Unlike me Mr B does not have OCD. When I have been particularly annoying he can exact his revenge oh so simply. He can just do this…
*Head explodes*
I honestly have no idea how or when these seemingly minor irritations really began to bother me. I’m pretty sure they didn’t as a child. Even at university they were slightly less troublesome and my dorm was regularly strewn with all manner of rubbish. Not these days. Storage solutions are now a major factor for me in every room of the house. Picture hanging is a festival of pain each and every time.
It’s exhausting.
My huge worry now though is that I am passing this onto my children. The Boy does not like mess, and hates getting dirty. I’m guessing the fact that I wiped his hands every thirty seconds during the weaning stage might have played a part in this. And whilst my heart leapt as he proudly told me he had won ‘star of the week’ on his first day at school for being the best at tidying up, it also ached a little too. I like my space to be organised and ordered. He does too. Even Little Miss is showing early signs of the same.
So, today I have tried to relax a little.
When faced with the following sights today at work I smiled and walked by, whilst inwardly I raged, my fingers painfully clenched to prevent me from fixing anything.
Seriously though…I need to sort ALL of that out tomorrow and I probably won’t sleep tonight.
How about you? Does the above fill you with any sort of horror? Are you a space-organisation junkie or more of a go-with-the-flow-joe?
Am I alone?
Do let me know below.
This post is brought to you in association with Urban Wardrobes however all words and thoughts are, sadly, entirely my own and honest.
susannabritmums says
This is too funny (I hope you don’t mind me laughing). Your husband winding you up is hilarious. But I am the same way with the kitchen sink!
jbmumofone says
I will forgive you…
Boo Roo and Tigger Too says
Although I don’t count myself as a neat-freak there are certain things that I like done a certain way. My Boo never fills the dishwasher correctly, or closes the drawers completely on his chest of drawers which irritates the life out of me but I know he now does it to provoke a reaction.
jbmumofone says
Grrrrrrr, I feel your pain.
Pinkoddy says
I am with you. I mean JUST how hard is it for others to do these simple things? And knowing they annoy you why can’t they just try not to do them (sorry this is me I am really talking about and hope your husband only does it when he wants to annoy you and not all the time like mine lol)
Cass@FrugalFamily says
I am completely with you on this – I feel like I’m forever tidying up after everyone because I’m the only one who seems to be able to see the mess 😉
Michelle Twin Mum says
I’m sorry I had to chuckle JB, I’d probably sort the boxes but that is about it. X
jbmumofone says
I envy you, I really do. I would love to not be so uptight!
amumsim says
Is it wrong of me to laugh out loud at this (sorry). It does confuse me when others do other than the most obvious thing (closing cupboard doors, wiping up a spill, wringing out the cloth and NOT leaving it sopping wet ready for mould to start sporing and spreading and contaminating everything) but I try to not let it bother me – I’m pretty laid back about it!
jbmumofone says
I wish I could be too. I’m trying. And failing mostly *folds tea towels*