"Well I was clucking man. Saw this geezer, blackberry out, city-type, dumbass. Figured I'd 'ave that, right. Hot as you like though. Couldn't shift it. Swapped it with my mate for a bag of C. MAJOR stuff mate. Buzzing so high man got woken by the pigs, face down in a field. Got done with possession." "Shit man." "Shit." "Where did you go man?" "Exeter." "Exeter ain't so bad." "Nah, it was right." "Just got outta Preston." "Preston is awesome man." "Yeah, Preston is the shit man. Not like The Isle of Wight. That nick is shit man. But Preston is the ...
Today has been a grey day. Not the weather, although that has been exceedingly grey too, but mentally today has been grey. I have that horrible, all too familiar, slightly uncomfortable, think there is something really important have forgotten to do but can't remember what it is, stomach-churning, eye-stinging, tear-welling, grey feeling. This sometimes hails the start, re-start, of depression. I have spent all day trying to rationalise it away. Today has not been a bad day. It has been a nice day. Me, Mr B and W together for a change with not too many jobs to do. So WHY am I ...