I am sure many expectant Mums will be delighted to hear that M&S have just launched a brand new baby area! When I was first pregnant with the boy it was such an exciting but confusing time. Which pram did I need? Three wheels or four? Which car seat? Did I want a cot or a cot-bed? How many baby grows /muslins/bottles/blankets were going to be required and where on earth was I going to store them? Mr B and I spent countless weekends visiting store after store, glazed expressions on our faces, becoming increasingly more bemused with each new find. Did we really NEED a video monitor? ...
Let them eat cake…or just a boatload of Petits Filous?
A horrible situation arose at W's nursery the other week, for which I was utterly unprepared. When dropping him off as normal I was suddenly, unexpectedly cornered approached by one of the nursery assistants and asked... NA: So, how do you feel about his puddings? Me: Um, sorry, whose what? It was a fair question. He has been having his meals there once a week for a little while now but the subject just hadn't come up before. To be honest it hadn't really occurred to me because it is only recently that I have stopped sending home-made meals in for him to eat. NA: W's pudding. ...