Weird conversations I have had with my pre-schooler this week... (Any insights/interpretation most welcome) Him: Mummy, we need a flower house. Me: What's a flower house? Him: You know, like the one we saw. Me: When love? Where? Him: You know Mummy! The one with the man on the roof and the soft-play. Me: *Blank stare* Him: If Daddy's head gets any bigger we will need a bigger house. Me: Hmmm? Him: But don't worry Mummy it probably won't happen. Me: That's good. Him: Yes, you'll probably die before then. Me: *Blank ...
What’s mine is mine…MINE!
So yesterday was a fun day, of sorts. Yesterday was one of now, since the big move, relatively few days that was just me and the kids. In Bristol I had these days down. Full on routine. Breakfast, park, Aldi, lunch, sleep, craft/bake, cafe, tea, Daddy home, bed. We all knew where we were and we were like a well-oiled, family-machine...most days. Since the move I seem to have lost my lone-parenting rhythm. Yesterday especially. Faced with a totally rain-laden sky our options for the day pretty much halved. And we needed milk. Stat. Knowing full ...