Hiya folks. Am away in deepest darkest Wales for a few days, with no internet access, *shudder*, so am hoping that I have scheduled these posts to appear at the right time and that it IS actually Saturday. If it is then stands to reason that it is caption day also so here is my pic for the weekend. Go on folks, bring on the funny!
Apologies in advance as there may be significant delays in responding but can’t wait to check them out when I return. To see everyone else’s press the magic button!
Melksham Mum says
Mum, I’m tired of cBeebies, How do I get the music channel with the hot chicks dancing?!
RillyRoo says
TV goes on
TV goes off
TV goes on
TV goes off
TV goes on
TV goes off
(Pull away and repeat ALL day)
Nikki Thomas says
Mummy are you in there!
Mum2babyinsomniac says
‘Hmmmm I’m in the mood for an action film, Scarface?’
Expat Mammy says
baby jake was here a minute ago, where did he go……………………..jake????
catparrott says
Mummy thought hiding the remote was sufficient baby proofing. Fool!
pinkoddy says
Am sure if I just pull here I get it in high def
Mammasaurus says
Quick mums nodding up lets crank up the volume!
Emily (@AMummyToo) says
“I am not sitting through another Gigglebiz re-run and you can’t make me!”
Middle-aged Matron says
I’m sure Gordon Ramsey’s starting in a sec
Five Go Blogging says
You are NOT watching another reality TV show Mummy!
Rebecca says
Noooooo! You mean there’s no telly in Wales either! I don’t want to come.
redrosemummy says
How does this magic box work?
Kerry Davies (@thelovebump) says
how the heck do I put the X Factor on??
motherventing says
Mahahaha! I found out the PIN so now I can watch Playboy TV! WOOP WOOP
hannah says
If I press this button enough, it will annoy mummy so much, i’ll get to watch what ever I want!
jbmumofone says
These are brilliant folks! Has made my weekend. Thank you 🙂 x