Little Miss has a cold. This is having a huge impact on my, already rather large, sleep deficit.
At the moment she still sleeps in her Moses basket alongside our bed after her 10:30 feed and we are super lucky in that she is a great sleeper.
Or was…until she got a cold. It seems to build up in her chest throughout the night and it is generally around 3-4am that the snuffling begins. Inordinately loud snuffling accompanied by the rustling of the basket sheets as she shuffles about.
At which point I tend to bring her into our bed for a cuddle and am generally able to prop her up enough on my shoulder that she is able to breathe more easily. Sadly, this tends to signal the beginning of the ned of the night’s sleep for me and Mr B.
Luckily we have not caught it ourselves yet and are really hoping that the boy will not succumb to it too.
Below are a few hints and tips as to how you can help to protect your family from the common cold this winter and a few interesting facts.
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Luisa R. Mccarty says
Or was…until she got a cold. It seems to build up in her chest throughout the night and it is generally around 3-4am that the snuffling begins. Inordinately loud snuffling accompanied by the rustling of the basket sheets as she shuffles about.