Little Miss has a cold. This is having a huge impact on my, already rather large, sleep deficit. At the moment she still sleeps in her Moses basket alongside our bed after her 10:30 feed and we are super lucky in that she is a great sleeper. Or was...until she got a cold. It seems to build up in her chest throughout the night and it is generally around 3-4am that the snuffling begins. Inordinately loud snuffling accompanied by the rustling of the basket sheets as she shuffles about. At which point I tend to bring her into our bed for a cuddle and am generally able to prop her up ...
(Dis)Organised Me.
We recently managed a short but fabulous family break away to Center Parcs, which was truly awesome and there will be more of that to come. Having to now pack for two adults and two children it is somewhat of a monumental effort to gather together all the stuff that we need and the thought of this, never mind the expense, meant a trip abroad was really not on the cards this year. Luckily our battered old Saab, with its missing wing-mirror cover and stereo that has been stubbornly silent for the last three years, does have a rather large boot. We set about our usual packing ...
Taking The Little Ones Away This Summer
As the weather is starting to improve more and more of us are beginning to plan for our summer bank holidays. For those of us with little ones, this is not always as easy as it sounds. Mr B, W and I have not long returned from a short break visiting his brother in Italy. Whilst we had a lovely time anyway the sheer practicality of travelling with a young child did make the journey both there and back somewhat exhausting. We arrived home almost as tired as we had left! We are beginning to find that travelling abroad can really add to holiday stress, as well as expense. Routines are ...
Summer Fun at Home in the Sun!
Just as I begin my maternity leave the sun has decided to come out! I am so delighted and am really looking forward to a lovely sunny summer at home. With baby number two due in a few weeks time this summer will hopefully see me, the toddler, Mr B and the new baby all at home together for the entire month of July with no work. Fingers crossed the sun will keep on shining for us and we hope to spend lots of time in the garden. Here is what we have planned: Lots of barbecues. Is there anything nicer than cooking and eating out in the sunshine. Mr B has been treated to a brand new ...