Do you ever find yourself longing for some alone time? A bit of time away from work when you can just kick back and relax without worrying about dinners to cook, clothes to wash and without any little people scrapping on the floor over toys and books. Five minutes without having to shout "Please DO NOT snatch from your sister." or "Will you PLEASE leave your brother alone." Anyone? Well, guess what. I have not one but TWO nights alone coming up in the not so distant future...and even one potential lie-in. So, what to do with this oh-so-rare moment of freedom? Catch up with ...
TV in the bedroom? The Great Debate
While Mr B and I agree on many things, there are some things that we simply cannot quite reconcile. Bread for instance. I like white. He likes brown. Neither of us like those inbetweeny-looks-like-white-tastes-like-brown ones. Tea. English breakfast, white, one sugar for me. Earl Grey, black, no sugar for him. Shepherds pie. Heaven for me. Hell for him. Oysters. Hell for me. Heaven for him. Ok, so none of these differences are exactly a problem and we can carry on our lives quite happily, even if we do need to buy two loaves of bread at each shop and different brands of ...
Saturday is Caption Day!
Hiya folks. Am away in deepest darkest Wales for a few days, with no internet access, *shudder*, so am hoping that I have scheduled these posts to appear at the right time and that it IS actually Saturday. If it is then stands to reason that it is caption day also so here is my pic for the weekend. Go on folks, bring on the funny! Apologies in advance as there may be significant delays in responding but can't wait to check them out when I return. To see everyone else's press the magic button! ...