
  1. Give them so much love and always listen to what they have to say,let them know they can always come to you and tell you anything.

  2. just do what you feel, dont think you have to subscribe to one school of parenting – i see some people get too obsessed by all that!

  3. house noises wont wake babies infact they sleep more like using the washing machine,hoover and shower x (mummy of twins)

  4. Have fun and enjoy every minute as your children learn new skills but never make them perform “party pieces” for other adults. A child who can enjoy life naturally will have more friends than a precocious one.

  5. Accept help when it’s offered, don’t be proud and love them kids to within an inch of their lives!!

  6. if you need to give them a row, explain in language they can understand why but don’t drone on and on

  7. trust your own judgement all children are different.Enjoy every moment as it goes by so quickly

  8. Never let things get on top of you. Turn on some music, smile and dance around with the kids.

  9. a parent always knows best follow your instinct. I have had 1st hand in this at a hospital mummy does know best!

  10. This actually sounds really interesting, it’s funny how we parent in a certain way because of our culture. I’ve added it to my reading list! Thank you for linking up x


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